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The inaugural Forum on internet Freedom in Africa just ended yesterday with very deep insightful discussions and debates on the state of internet freedoms in Africa. Ranging from several topics such as rights and repressive tendencies around internet to aspects of inclusion, disability, surveillance, data protection and privacy amongst others. The forum offers an exhilarating and exciting opportunity for the community to discuss, debate, articulate and confront some of the most pressing challenges around internet freedom in Africa and beyond.

This landmark annual event convenes a range of various stakeholders across the internet governance and digital rights environment in Africa and around the world. This year’s event was a combination of an online and physical edition – dubbed the ‘hybrid edition’ of the forum. In addition to online discussions via digital platforms, physical gatherings were made possible within the standard operating procedures of the Health Ministry due to challenges posed by the COVID19 pandemic.

This forum is significant to the Centre for Multilateral Affairs in many ways: First, the organization supports internet freedoms around Africa and beyond and as a firm believer in respect of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals. Secondly, the forum offers opportunity to network, develop new ideas, opinions and perspectives. The global community of the internet freedom fraternity is one that is very passionate about issues of respect of rights and freedoms, inclusion, innovations and equality to mention but a few and yet, they are also very supportive of new ideas.

In 2019, the CfMA team embarked on an assignment. It was a call for graduate students to submit a peer reviewed journal publication to Key Issues – based in Bremen, Germany. The call was hinged on the backdrop that the lack of international relations perspectives to the current debates around internet governance at multi-stakeholder forums such as the African Internet Governance Forum (AIGF), the Global Internet Governance Forum – were lacking! This inspired the team and fortunately our publication entitled ‘Authoritarianism in internet governance in Tanzania’ was accepted and published.

The team, then decided to submit a proposal for a lightning talk at #FIFAfrica19 in Addis, Ethiopia which was accepted. The lightning talk centered on issues of the concept ‘anarchy’ in international relations and how nation states can develop strategies to work together in a cooperative society even where self-interests and pursuits of sovereign agendas underpins both domestic and foreign policy goals of states. So #FIFAfrica19, was an opportunity to validate our idea. After the lightning talk and of course positive comments and further consultations within the community in Addis, the Centre for Multilateral Affairs were formed.

We just celebrated our first anniversary

The team celebrates 1 year anniversary after #FIFAfrica19

#FIFAfrica20 was remarkable in many ways for us! we learnt so much, networked and contributed to the discussions and we look forward to more!

Director, Internet Governance & Partnerships and the Chief Executive
Manager, Policy and Strategy
The team at #FIFAfrica20 – Protea Hoetl, Skyz
Group photo

The organization seeks to contribute to research and body of knowledge – integrating global south perspectives in domestic, regional and global policy discourses. We strive to create stronger linkages between research, policy and practice.

Since formation, we have run a successful web presence with very rich analytical perspectives and opinions on a wide range of issues, we have secured partnerships and collaborations with reputable organizations, joined networks and coalitions, currently running a successful project on closing digital divide. In addition, we organized two successful online events at RightsCon 2020 on very important topics on internet shutdowns and authoritarianism in Africa and on Cyberspace and the applicability of international law.

We continue to strive – making positive contributions to humanity. Special thanks to CIPESA team that have supported us, to organizations such as the Alliance for Affordable Internet – who believed in us so early, the world wide web foundation, the Women of Uganda Network, the African Declaration on internet rights and freedoms and so many individuals who can not be mentioned here. Thank you!

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